
All Posts in Category: Tips for Students

Students Jumping for Joy

Quick Guide for New International Students in Burnaby

Starting a new school year can be intimidating, and starting at a new school in a new country can be even more daunting. Meeting people, figuring out how to get around the city, finding places to eat, taking classes, and learning new things can be overwhelming when you’re faced with it all at once.

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Student with Laptop Studying

5 Tips To Study Better

Studying is part of being a student. It allows us to understand our subjects better, perform to our full potential in exams and can be very useful later in life. While the benefits of studying are plain to see, it can be tricky for some of us to study. Noisy environments, missing notes and a lack of organization can mean that we spend a long time studying without information being retained. In this article, we’ll look at five ways that you can study better.

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University BC Library

Great Reasons for Burnaby International Students to Visit UBC

Recognised as being one of the top 20 research universities in the world, UBC has a breathtakingly beautiful 400-hectare campus, surrounded by ocean and forest. Why wait until you graduate from high school to spend time at UBC? Like a city unto itself, with over 54,000 students on its Vancouver campus alone, UBC has facilities that will astound you.

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Winter Canada Fashion Toque

How to Deal with a Burnaby Winter: Dressing like a Local

Winter is fast approaching and, for many international students, the weather for the next few months will be a big change from what it’s like at home. Fear not, however! Your fellow students will guide you in the right direction clothing-wise, and here are some tips that will get you through to the spring – although in Metro Vancouver you never know when you will need to put the umbrella away.

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Why study in Burnaby?

With superior academic programs and modern facilities, all located within a city of vibrant green spaces, modern shopping malls, safe residential neighbourhoods, and state of the art public transit, choosing an education in Burnaby is the right choice.


Burnaby School District has one of the largest Advanced Placement (AP) programs in Canada.


Burnaby is located in the centre of Metro Vancouver. Its world-class SkyTrain public transit provides access to downtown Vancouver in just 30 minutes.


Burnaby schools feature modern facilities and state of the art technology.

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