
FAQs*: School Support

FAQs = Frequently Asked Questions
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What support is offered at elementary and secondary schools for Burnaby School District international students?

Burnaby School District’s elementary schools offer a range of different support services including an intensive welcome orientation, international student parent meetings and multilingual cultural support to students and parents.

Burnaby’s secondary schools offer an extensive network of school-based staff dedicated to servicing and supporting our students. This group includes school administrators, international student assistants, international student liaisons, and counsellors. Other forms of support include but are not limited to: an intensive one-week orientation before school starts, free peer tutoring after school, post-secondary information nights, and regular excursions to exciting tourist destinations.

Is there extra support available if my child falls behind or needs extra help?

In the event that a student is struggling, they can either ask their teacher for additional help or request to be matched up with a peer tutor (free of charge).

Why study in Burnaby?

With superior academic programs and modern facilities, all located within a city of vibrant green spaces, modern shopping malls, safe residential neighbourhoods, and state of the art public transit, choosing an education in Burnaby is the right choice.


Burnaby School District has one of the largest Advanced Placement (AP) programs in Canada.


Burnaby is located in the centre of Metro Vancouver. Its world-class SkyTrain public transit provides access to downtown Vancouver in just 30 minutes.


Burnaby schools feature modern facilities and state of the art technology.

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