
FAQs*: Special Programs

French Immersion, Advanced Placement (AP), AP Capstone Diploma

FAQs = Frequently Asked Questions
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Which Burnaby School District elementary schools have French Immersion?

Which Burnaby School District secondary schools have French Immersion?

Moscrop Secondary, Alpha Secondary, and Cariboo Hill Secondary.

Can an international student take French Immersion in the Burnaby School District?

Yes, if space is available.

What is AP (Advanced Placement)?

AP is a program of first year university level courses and exams that offer motivated students the opportunity to challenge themselves and earn university credits – while still in high school.

What is the difference between AP, Honours and regular classes?

AP classes and Honours classes are similar in that they are both designed to offer students a more challenging level of classwork. The main difference between these classes is the workload or time required to complete them. Honours classes require about 10% more workload than regular classes while AP classes require about 30% more than regular classes.

Can an international student take AP?


What do I need to do if I want to take AP classes? Is there a test or minimum average I need?

Students typically enroll in AP classes in Grade 11 or 12. In general, students are required to have studied in our program for a minimum of six months before being allowed to enroll in an AP class. Admission into an AP class does not require an entrance test or minimum average. Admission is determined by a student’s guidance counsellor who will take into consideration the student’s past performance in the particular subject the student wishes to study at the AP level.

Is there an extra fee for AP courses?

There are no extra fees for enrolling in an AP course. There is a small fee if the student chooses to write the final exam for each AP course they choose to take. The current fee is $120 CDN per exam.

How many AP courses can I take?

There is no limit on how many AP classes a student may choose to take. However, admission requires the permission of the student’s guidance counsellor who will take into consideration whether they feel the student can handle the extra workload each additional AP class will bring.

What is the AP Capstone Diploma?

The AP Capstone Diploma is a 2 year program consisting of two courses; AP Seminar and AP Research. Students who successfully complete Capstone courses and score 3 or higher on 4 other AP exams can earn the AP Capstone Diploma.

Can an international student apply to the AP Capstone Diploma program?

Yes. However, space in the AP Capstone Diploma Program is limited and admission is highly competitive. Applications are assessed in February for the coming academic year.

Does Burnaby offer IB?


What is the difference between AP and IB?

The AP and IB programs are similar in that they both strive to provide students with more challenging course work. AP and IB programs are also similar in that they are widely recognized and accepted by major universities not just in Canada but in many other countries as well. The main difference between the two programs is that, unlike the IB program which requires students to enroll in a whole package of classes, the AP program allows students to choose which classes they want to study on an individual or one-by-one basis. The ability to choose classes one-by-one makes it easier for students to manage their workload and ensure they achieve a successful result.

Why study in Burnaby?

With superior academic programs and modern facilities, all located within a city of vibrant green spaces, modern shopping malls, safe residential neighbourhoods, and state of the art public transit, choosing an education in Burnaby is the right choice.


Burnaby School District has one of the largest Advanced Placement (AP) programs in Canada.


Burnaby is located in the centre of Metro Vancouver. Its world-class SkyTrain public transit provides access to downtown Vancouver in just 30 minutes.


Burnaby schools feature modern facilities and state of the art technology.

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